How Do We Fix It?

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#334 National Day of Dialogue. Christy Vines

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#334 National Day of Dialogue. Christy Vines DaviesContent

Our first episode of 2022 is all about a constructive response to the calamitous events of one year ago: The January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol.

On January 5th, a coalition of organizations, led by Ideos Institute, will host the first annual National Day of Dialogue. We discuss this invitation to all Americans to push back against deep divides. We also explore the need for hard talk and getting into our discomfort zones. 

“As a nation, we have largely lost our ability to have hard conversations without judgment, animus, or fear,” says our guest, Ideos President & CEO, Christy Vines. "Deep down we all want to have these kinds of moments with somebody we would disagree with and who we often see as the enemy... Not enough people are getting those opportunities to see the human behind the positions they hold." 

The National Day of Dialogue is a series of virtual and live events across the country, and the premiere of a documentary movie "Dialogue Lab: America", which includes a series of deep, and sometimes very emotional conversations among individuals from different political and religious beliefs. 

The event is part of a broader bridging movement that we’re part of on "How Do We Fix It?", as we respond to the deep divides that hold us back and threaten our democracy.

Recommendation: "Beginner's Mind", 90-minutes of music and audio narration by acclaimed cellist Yo Yo Ma. He speaks of his career and personal story as an immigrant, and invites us “to strip away preconceptions and reclaim a beginner's open to new questions, explorations, and unexpected answers.” Available free on Audible.