#204 Artificial Intelligence Threatens Democracy: Steve Feldstein

Our guest is Steven Feldstein, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. Steve is a Professor at Boise State University and our guest for this episode.  He is the author of,
The Road to Digital Unfreedom
: How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Repression"

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#203 Country Over Party: Nick Troiano

Our guest, 29-year-old Nick Troiano, Executive Director of Unite America, is a leading voice of the reform movement, who supports changes aimed at reducing gridlock, boosting voter participation, and finding common ground. "We are caught in a democracy that is spiraling in a very negative direction and the question before us is how do we break that," Nick tells us.

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#202 Risk: An Economist Walks Into a Brothel. Allison Schrager

From dating to switching jobs and managing retirement. We all manage risk. Want to get better at it?

The best way to learn is to ask some of the real experts: Magicians, gamblers, big-wave surfers, horse breeders, and prostitutes. That's what economist, journalist and risk advisor Allison Schrager did. She's our guest in this episode.

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#201 You Are What You Read - Jodie Jackson

Are you depressed when you read the news? The media's rampant negativity, with a daily emphasis on outrage and crisis, is a form of mental pollution that misinforms the public, harms democracy, and leads a distorted view of the world.

"You Are What You Read", by Jodie Jackson, is a call for reform. Written by a non-journalist, the book looks at the psychological impact of reading endlessly negative news, and shows viewers, listeners and readers how to protect themselves and change their media diet. 

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#200 Having Better Conversations

This show is released during the National Week of Conversation (April 5-13)— an annual event when people with diverse perspectives #ListenFirst to understand. 

At a time of information overload, social media silos and political paralysis, we look at how can all of us be better communicators. In this 200th episode, Richard and Jim share lessons they've learned about listening, asking questions and interviewing guests during nearly four years of "How Do We Fix It?"

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#199 "The Wall" Climate Change & Migration: John Lanchester

Novelist and journalist John Lanchester's new book "The Wall", imagines a world dealing with catastrophic climate change. 

This is our first episode about a novel, which may help us understand with how individuals and society might react.  Would we panic and be even more fearful or xenophobic than we are today? Would older people, who failed to act on climate change before it was too late, face bitterness and blame from younger generations?

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#198 Changing a Culture of Contempt: Arthur Brooks-2

Isolation and loneliness have reached epidemic levels, resulting in a profound loss of social capital. Despite mass communications, the spread of technology and social media, a recent survey found 47% of Americans often felt alone, meaningful connections to others.

In this second episode with the author of the new book, "Love Your Enemies", social scientist and president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur Brooks, we discuss the need for a stronger sense of community, deeper friendships, and a curiosity for uncomfortable ideas.

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#197 Love Your Enemies - Arthur Brooks - 1

Best-selling author and social scientist, Arthur Brooks, makes the case for something that is far more life affirming than mere tolerance and civility. He explains a new way to lead based not on attacking others, but on bridging national divides and mending personal relationships.

We discuss his response to America's crisis of political polarization and those who profit from making us miserable and tearing our country apart.

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#193 Green New Nuclear Deal: Jim Meigs

The climate change debate is heating up. Record numbers of people no longer see extreme climate as a distant   threat, but as a crisis that is unfolding right now. According to a Yale survey, "the proportion of Americans who are very worried about global warming has more than tripled since its lowest point in 2011." 

In this episode, Richard quizzes co-host Jim Meigs, who argues in the latest edition of City Journal that nuclear is the best source of clean, reliable and safe energy.

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#192 Work Versus College: Oren Cass

Our guest in this episode, Oren Cass, argues that we've abandoned the American worker, and pushed four-college at the cost of other, more effective, solutions.

In his widely-praised new book, "The Once and Future Worker",  Oren argues that government policy should emphasize production, not consumption.  His arguments were summarized   in The Atlantic.

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#190 Our Journalism Crisis: A Conversation

Jim and Richard look at journalism's crisis and consider whether readers, viewers and listeners may be partially to blame. We also hear from Aron Pilhofer, professor of Journalism Innovation at the Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University, and David Bornstein co-founder of Solutions Journalism Network.

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#189 Our Government Crisis: Philip K. Howard

In this episode, Philip K. Howard attacks the failed ideologies of Republicans and Democrats, and calls for a radical simplification of government to re-empower Americans in their daily choices. Philip is the author of several books, including the best-seller “The Death of Common Sense: How Law Is Suffocating America” and“Try Common Sense: Replacing Failed Ideologies of Left and Right.” 

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#188 A Cure for Massive Violence: Rachel Kleinfeld

Rachel Kleinfeld, is the author of, "A Savage Order: How the World's Deadliest Countries Can Forge a Path to Security." The book analyzes how many countries, once overwhelmed by massive violence, have since recovered.

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#187 The Fight to End Gerrymandering: Katie Fahey

With a simple Facebook post saying that she wanted to end partisan gerrymandering, Katie Fahey sparked the beginnings of an extraordinary grassroots campaign. Katie is in her late 20's. With neither connections nor deep pockets, she started Voters Not Politicians to change Michigan's State Constitution. 

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#186 8 For ‘18. The Year’s Big Lessons

All year long, the headlines were dominated by President Trump, from his abrupt decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, to his harsh descriptions of migrants and the long fight over a border wall.

But what were some of the other big takeaways from 2018: The surprising findings that may have a longer-term impact than the furious fights over the President's behavior and policies?

This episode, "8 for '18, looks at the growing power of women in politics and media, concerns about capitalism, rising debt, climate change, and why there's hope from the heartland and a strong case for optimism.

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#185 The Power of Reading: Joseph Luzzi

Joseph Luzzi, is a Dante scholar and professor at Bard College. In this episode he talks about the power of reading, he speaks from personal experience. When his 1st wife, Katherine was 8 1/2 months pregnant she was killed in a car accident. The doctors were able to save the baby and in the space of a few hours Luzzi became a widower and a father on the same day. Luzzi turned to Dante. In our conversation, Luzzi talks about how Dante and other books helped him learn how to live again.

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