This show may very well save you money, boost your career and help you make smarter decisions.
It's about risk.
Our guest is Karen Firestone - author of the new book “Even The Odds - Sensible Risk-Taking in Business Investing and Life." She is President and CEO, of Aureus Asset Management, an asset management firm she co-founded after 22 years as a fund manager and research analyst at Fidelity Investments. Karen is a contributor to the Harvard Business Review blog.
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The numbers are alarming. A 2015 Gallup poll found nearly 70% of U.S. employees say they're either bored or disengaged at work.
The cost to employers has been put at more than $500 billion in lost productivity. The cost to workers is incalculable - in human misery, unnecessary stress, and lost opportunity.
Workplace psychologist Ron Friedman is the author of "The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace." Ron says there's an astonishing gap between the latest science and most of the modern workplace. He has some great tips for both employers and employees.
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