This episode looks at the simple, highly personal way that living room conversations allow people of different viewpoints to really hear each other.
A progressive activist, Joan Blades was deeply involved in starting in the late 90's. More recently she has also worked on ways to encourage respect and dialog among liberals, independents and conservatives. She is the co-founder of
In part one last week (episode 43), we looked at why Americans need to find new ways to speak about our differences, such as visiting websites with opposing political opinions and having conversations that are not vindictive.
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This show is another response to the deep partisan divide in America - part one of a fascinating conversation with Joan Blades.
Much of our political campaign has been dominated by personal insults, name-calling and dogma. Voters have rewarded politicians who use anger and blame others for the country's problems. Individual citizens are part of the problem and the solution.
"We live with the dysfunction of partisan behaviors and believe we must and can do better," says Joan, co-founder of Living Room Conversations She makes the case for personal dialog across party lines, arguing that it's a key part of changing the way all of us think about politics.
A strong progressive, who co-founded the liberal activist group, in the late 90's, Joan makes the case for listening to those you don't agree with.
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