This show could save you a lot of money. Many of us make potentially disastrous mistakes with insurance. Either we don't have nearly enough coverage for see through an emergency, or we pay through the nose for duplicate options.
Insurance expert Laura Adams explains the basics of life, health, and auto policies, with easy-to-follow solutions and smart buying tips. The author of several personal finance books, Laura hosts the popular "Money Girl" podcast. She is a Senior Insurance Analyst for
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In this episode, Jim and Richard re-visit their entertaining and provocative conversation with Lenore Skenazy, host of the cable TV show, "World's Worst Mom" and founder of Free-Range Kids. The movement was sparked by the huge response to Lenore's article about allowing her 9-year-old son to ride the subway alone in New York City. She tells us that if you always protect your children from every possible danger they never get a chance to grow up.
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With recent worries about the global economy and stock market panic, investment expert Susan Schmidt, Senior Portfolio Manager at Westwood Holdings Group, has a simple message: keep calm. 55% of Americans have money in the market. Most are long-term savers. She says the basic rules of investing are surprisingly simple. Building wealth means savers should resist emotion and act as investors, not traders, ignoring the day-to-day changes in the market.
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TV host, author, and producer Mike Rowe says America needs to change its understanding of work and face up to the widening skills gap. Many manufacturers can't fill find workers to do well-paid skilled technical and labor jobs. Mike argues that stereotypes about blue-collar work must change. He's launched the mikeroweWORKS Foundation to raise awareness and help young workers. The third season of his popular CNN show, "Somebody's Gotta Do It," starts September 27th.
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We look at threats to free speech on college campuses with Greg Lukianoff, a constitutional lawyer and CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Greg says there's been an alarming rise in trigger warnings and hypersensitivity, with a growing number of students demanding protection from words, ideas, and emotions that they don't like. Is this a disaster in the making for education and for students themselves?
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"Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us" is the provocative title of the new book by sociology professor Emily Horowitz. She argues that America is in the grip of panic, saying that sex offender laws enacted over the past twenty years have failed to protect children and promote vigilante justice against alleged offenders. Professor Horowitz is chair of sociology and criminal justice at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, New York.
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Very strict lending standards by banks make it hard for tens of millions of Americans with skilled middle-class jobs to get a mortgage. Our financial markets are still gripped by fear. Time for a reality check with Nela Richardson, Chief Economist at Redfin, the real estate brokerage firm. Nela gives us the low down on the future of the housing market and the U.S. economy, plus suggestions on how we can build a better future.
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How often have heard parents complain about their kids' teachers? Everyone, it seems, has opinions about education, test scores, and schools. Who is to blame for poor teaching, and how do we fix it? What makes a teacher great? Elizabeth Green, editor-in-chief of Chalkbeat, is the author of "Building a Better Teacher." She studied teaching methods in America and Japan and has some innovative solutions.
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Coca-Cola, the world’s largest maker of sugary sodas, is under fire for giving millions of dollars to a group of scientists who say that lack of exercise is a much more important cause of obesity than poor diets. Are they right? Is Coke using scientists to reverse the recent decline in soda sales? And what are the best ways to solve America's obesity crisis? Kelly Brownell, Dean of the Sanford School of Public Health at Duke University, is our guest.
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How does Google play to our prejudices, and could its mighty search engine be used to change election results? 75% of all internet searches are done through Google. Our guest is a well-known psychologist and author Dr. Robert Epstein, Founder of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies and former Editor-in-Chief Of Psychology Today. His recent research suggests search rankings can have a dramatic impact on voting intentions.
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The "revolving door" is a corrupting influence on both government and industry. So says University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds. He's an outspoken critic of Washington insiders and the blogger behind, one of America's most widely read political weblogs. On our podcast, Reynolds talks about his intriguing solution to slow down the revolving door: a surtax that would be imposed on the earnings of high-paid former government officials.
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Are you overwhelmed by the flood of information, technology, and choices that we all face as consumers? This episode with Jim and Richard features neuroscientist and behavior expert Dr. Peter Whybrow, Director of The Semel Institute at UCLA. His research on the human brain tells us why we make short-term decisions that are often in conflict with our best interests. Dr. Whybrow suggests fixes to help us build better lives and a more caring society.
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Data and identity theft are a threat to all of us. The recent breach of government computers at The Office of Personnel Management was only the latest example of a growing crisis. Adam Levin, founder of and IDT 911 is a leading expert on data crime. He gives common-sense tips and advice on how all consumers can cut their risk of being an identity theft victim.
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"Anything is possible in your financial life as long as you work hard at it, and want it bad enough," says personal financial expert Farnoosh Torabi. The host of the daily podcast, "So Money," Farnoosh is a nationally known author and journalist, who has dedicated her career to explaining the mysteries of money in savvy, sensible and clear ways. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Entrepreneur and many other publications. Learn more about Farnoosh at
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The on-demand economy is a hit with consumers. Uber, Lyft, Homejoy, and other companies provide a growing number of convenient services. But there's a heated debate about how they treat their workers. Should they be classified as independent contractors or full-time employees who qualify for health care, disability, and other benefits? Richard and Jim's guest is Marcela Sapone, CEO of Hello Alfred, a startup company that dispatches workers to co-ordinate laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and other chores. She has useful tips for freelancers and outspoken views about how employees should be treated by companies, communities, and the government.
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Do helicopter parents need to come in for a landing? Lenore Skenazy, the host of the cable TV show, "World's Worst Mom", says yes. The founder of the parenting movement Free-Range Kids is Jim and Richard's expert guest. Skenazy argues society fills parents with fear about what might happen to their children.
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The numbers are alarming. A recent Gallup says that less than one-third of American workers are engaged in their jobs. Millions of employees are either bored or completely fed up. In addition to human misery, this causes dysfunctional workplaces damage businesses, and harm the economy. Ron Friedman is the author of "The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace." He has some great tips for both employers and employees.
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Credit card debt is once again on the rise. The average U.S. household that borrows money with high-interest credit cards owes $15,000. Many people are overwhelmed by monthly bills. Expert Beverly Harzog has seen the problems from both sides. Author of two helpful books, "Confessions of a Credit Card Junkie," and "The Debt Escape Plan", Beverly knows all about the crisis of bad credit and how to dig yourself out from debt.
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Computers, video games and mobile devices are a huge temptation for kids. But are they really a threat, or instead a great opportunity for children to learn about the world? In this show, Jim and Richard are joined by developmental psychologist Abigail Baird of Vassar College. The mother of two 6-year old twins and an expert on the teenage brain, Abigail has some fascinating fixes for parents who want to strike the right balance on tech for their kids.
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All of us pay taxes, but how well is that money being spent? Many government services are poorly delivered. From the local DMV or zoning department to the Pentagon and Department of Veterans Affairs, government can be a big tangled mess. For decades, Philip K. Howard has been a leading expert on how streamline government and make it work for all of us. His latest book is "The Rule of Nobody." In this episode, Richard, Jim and Philip a lively conversation about the problem and how to would fix it.
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