This show could save you a lot of money. Many of us make potentially disastrous mistakes with insurance. Either we don't have nearly enough coverage for see through an emergency, or we pay through the nose for duplicate options.
Insurance expert Laura Adams explains the basics of life, health, and auto policies, with easy-to-follow solutions and smart buying tips. The author of several personal finance books, Laura hosts the popular "Money Girl" podcast. She is a Senior Insurance Analyst for
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With recent worries about the global economy and stock market panic, investment expert Susan Schmidt, Senior Portfolio Manager at Westwood Holdings Group, has a simple message: keep calm. 55% of Americans have money in the market. Most are long-term savers. She says the basic rules of investing are surprisingly simple. Building wealth means savers should resist emotion and act as investors, not traders, ignoring the day-to-day changes in the market.
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Are you overwhelmed by the flood of information, technology, and choices that we all face as consumers? This episode with Jim and Richard features neuroscientist and behavior expert Dr. Peter Whybrow, Director of The Semel Institute at UCLA. His research on the human brain tells us why we make short-term decisions that are often in conflict with our best interests. Dr. Whybrow suggests fixes to help us build better lives and a more caring society.
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